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Summer Institute:
Formative Assessment and Differentiation

Visit the Free Downloads page for worksheets.

Lune Azur Magazine
Call for Submissions!

National University: Trauma-Informed Instruction

Keynote Speech



What is Therapeutic Art?

Head of crystals
Filling my mind with all the good things & pushing out the negative.
~Erin Blu

Arts used for therapeutic benefits have many helpful psychological effects.  These kinds of arts foster inspiration, relaxation, and fulfillment.  They can help you purge negative memories, thoughts, and emotions while replacing them with positive ones.  They can bring a sense of peace and fulfillment.  When self-expression is difficult, turn to art to help you achieve the sense of balance you have been seeking.


So what makes therapeutic arts different from taking an art class or learning to draw from a book?  In one word: expectations.  When you don't stress about the outcome, but allow yourself to play instead, you release the tension that comes from expecting too much from yourself.  You aren't trying to create a product.  You aren't trying to be perfect.  You're just stretching your creative wings.  The world already demands so much; take some time to create a habit that will build you up in healthy ways.  


It's like what we say in the studio: Fool with it until you like it or throw it away. (Well close, anyway.  We do like a well-placed curse word!)


Watch a Free Class!

If you're interested in trying a free therapeutic arts class, check out my Youtube Channel, Blue Waters Arts!

Artist Painting Jewelry
Colored pencil tips

Want to Destress?  Color!

Check out my free coloring pages on the Free Downloads page.  Most are family friendly, but you can also find some spicier pages to enjoy.

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